Is IV Therapy Good for Autoimmune Disease?
The incidents of autoimmune disease have gone up substantially throughout the past few decades. Researchers have not yet confirmed whether or not the rate of autoimmune disease has increased due to our ability to better detect incidences of it or due to lifestyle and environmental factors. Currently, over 24 million Americans suffer from more than 80 different varieties of autoimmune disease. Among the most common types of autoimmune disease are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and type 1 diabetes Most treatment options for autoimmune disease help alleviate symptoms of disease rather than cure the autoimmune dysfunction in its entirety. Integrative health practitioners have begun to look to IV therapy as a potential treatment option for autoimmune disease sufferers.
Typically, genetic and environmental factors lead to an individual suffering from autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease is when the body mistakenly identifies healthy cells within the body as a potential threat and thus attacks otherwise healthy cells. The exact causes of autoimmune disease are unknown. One theory is that bacteria or viruses may trigger changes that essentially confuse the body’s immune system. Many medical professionals agree that poor diets lead to an increase in autoimmune symptoms.
Inflammation of the body during autoimmune disease also decreases your body’s ability to absorb proper nutrition which may result in deficiencies. Typically, inflammation creates havoc on the body’s gut lining which decreases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients properly.
IV nutritional therapy may help in alleviating autoimmune disease symptoms by delivering potent nutrition directly into an individual’s bloodstream. When you bypass the digestive tract, you can receive high-quality nutrition into your body in the most efficient way possible. Proper nutrition may help reduce overall body inflammation and increase the body’s mineral and vitamin levels.
Traditional medication used to treat autoimmune disease includes immunosuppressant medications which may also decrease the body’s ability to fight infections and viruses by weakening the immune system. In an effort to treat the underlying conditions of autoimmune disease, these medications attempt to alleviate the negative side effects of a hyperactive immune system. When you weaken the body’s immune system with medication you become more susceptible to increased rates of infection.
IV hydration therapy helps alleviate some of the symptoms of autoimmune disease by boosting antioxidant levels. It may help increase mineral and vitamin nutrient levels if there are any underlying deficiencies present. Antioxidants help decrease free radicals and toxins within the body while helping manage the symptoms of autoimmune disease.